The Future of Betting: An Analysis of the Growth and Impact of Online Casinos on the Traditional Gambling Industry

The gambling industry as a whole continues to grow and show record numbers. Many European countries are now revising their policies with the goal of legalizing online gambling. Of course, regulations are important, and this isn’t something that can be resolved overnight. To begin with, all countries that want to legalize online gambling need to establish a regulatory framework and then work from there. However, the legalization of online casinos and the constant rise in the number of online players has left everyone wondering where that leaves traditional gambling establishments. Here we are going to discuss the impact of the online casino industry and how it affects the earnings of the smaller betting businesses.

Online Casinos Are Cost Friendly

One of the main advantages of online casinos is that they have a high startup cost but lower maintenance cost. You don’t need physical space or staff to keep it ready and running. They are also more convenient to use and access. Many casual players simply look for the best casino sites in order to ensure their online gambling activity is safe and regulated. Moreover, they get lots of freebies and bonuses, so it’s more cost-friendly for them to play like this. Also, some online casinos include a sportsbook section. This way, they cater to a bigger player base.

In other words, there is little incentive for bettors and casino gamers to go to physical gambling establishments. They need to spend money on gas, and they will probably spend more money on food and beverages at the location. So, it comes as no surprise that a lot of smaller businesses are struggling to maintain their profits. Luckily, all those businesses can easily migrate to the digital sphere. They can still continue to run their physical sportsbooks, but that doesn’t prevent them from moving to the online world as well.

Are Big Entertainment Resorts Affected By Online Gambling?

It’s also worth pointing out that not all gamers enjoy playing online. Some enjoy this hobby because they get to socialize and enjoy a more luxurious atmosphere. This is why bigger casinos aren’t that affected by the rise in the popularity of their virtual counterpart. They attract different clientele, and they also generate revenue through other services.

Connection Between Sports Betting And Online Casinos

One of the main reasons why online casinos are so successful is sports. Many people who bet on sports eventually try casino games, and vice versa. However, there are more slots and poker players that are not that interested in sports. But sports fans are an incredibly important demographic for casinos. Gambling businesses and big sports leagues are heavily intertwined, and it’s easy to notice casino brands as sponsors for many athletes, clubs, and leagues. The majority of the viewers and bettors are middle-aged men, which is also a demographic that dominates online casinos.

Additionally, in many countries, online betting is legal, while online casinos are not. In other words, they aren’t viewed as the same form of entertainment. And when you think about it, it makes sense on some levels. You have to wait an hour or so, at least, to find out if your bet slip is a winning one and claim your reward. In casino games, rounds last for a few seconds or a minute. So, it’s fast-paced. On the other hand, live betting offers a similar type of dynamic. This is more of a quick bet that is similar to slots and blackjack in terms of playtime. In other words, the lines between the two are getting blurred, and it’s only a matter of time before legalizing one will also mean legalizing the other.

Future Of Betting

The betting industry will most likely continue to grow and adapt to new trends. Even now, we can see a drastic change with new bettors who are joining online sportsbooks to bet on daily fantasy sports. This is a completely new and unique way to gamble, and it’s also available in many online casinos. Moreover, betting is expanding on eSports as well, and many young gamers find that appealing.

Casinos have also helped with eSports expansions. They host different gaming tournaments, and some of them even feature arcade games that are designed to resemble video games. These arcades aren’t available online because they aren’t really browser-based applications. So, those who want to enjoy more gaming options still need to go to traditional casinos.


Clearly, sports betting is going to benefit from an increased number of online casinos because more people will take on gambling hobbies. In that sense, the two activities will support each other in the future, making it possible for future players to bet and play online games wherever and whenever. As for traditional gambling establishments, they still offer content and experience that isn’t available in the virtual world. And that means that there is still a good incentive for different types of players to visit land-based casinos as well.