Okay, okay, we hate to go all bah humbug on you and spoil your festive cheer. But sometimes, Christmas isn’t all jolly and fun – sometimes, it’s hard work.
You’re away from the charts, your house is full, there are turkeys to be cooked, presents to be wrapped (and probably still to be bought… oops) and a never-ending stream of visitors. So we’ve put together a Traders’ Guide to Surviving the Festive Season to give you a helping hand (or at least a giggle if it’s all getting a bit much).
Read on for our top tips for surviving the festive season…
Step 1: Know When Your Broker is Closed
Think of this as your pre-game strategy. Knowing when your broker is closed gives you a chance to plan your days off. Use the downtime wisely. Stock up on trading documentaries, books, and podcasts so you can “look busy” while dodging household chores. And if you get snowed in? Even better—you’ll be fully prepared to hunker down with financial wisdom instead of yet another rerun of Elf.
Step 2: Master the Poker Face
It’s going to happen: you’ll receive a gift that’s…well, let’s just say, “different.” Your mission? Smile, say thank you with gusto, and convince the gift-giver it’s exactly what you wanted. Practice in advance if necessary—this skill is as crucial as reading market signals.
Step 3: Don’t Forget the Essentials
Or the gravy, or the de-icer (for when you need to make a quick escape). Remember most supermarkets will close early on Christmas Eve and not open at all on Christmas Day – and this has a tendency to cause widespread panic and hour-long queues in Tesco as people stock up on everything they’ll need in case a zombie apocalypse strikes in the 48 hours they can’t get to a supermarket. Steer clear of the madness – make a list, get everything you need by the 22nd and get out. And stay out.
Step 4: Get Your Trading Desk in Order
Leaving your trading desk in a whirlwind of Christmas jumpers and festive cheer is all fun and games until you remember you’ve left the office in disarray, your trading plan is non-existent and you’ll struggle to find your desk come January under the paperwork mountain. You’ll be much better off staying focused, planning ahead and getting the office organised (but don’t worry too much when you still don’t get around to this despite your best intentions… we won’t either).
Step 5: Carve Out “Me Time”
Okay, so the Christmas festive is all about spreading cheer with your nearest and dearest… but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to take a minute for yourself (and if Christmas to you means a constant herd of uncles, aunties, in-laws, grandparents and a random assortment of children and pets, then we reckon it’s obligatory). Go for a walk, have a bath, or just lock yourself in a quiet room (tell everyone you’re checking the charts) – just have a moment of peace. This one simple tip can save a lot of not-so-cheerful festive fights.
Step 6: Survive the Office Party
Is a minefield of hungover working days, awkward moments over the coffee machine and regret. Pacing yourself is strongly recommended, as is encouraging everyone else to drink faster when you realise you’re not pacing yourself very well. If everyone’s drunk together, no-one will remember the Christmas karaoke and no-one has to be embarrassed!
Step 7: Win the TV Battle
The remote control is sacred during Christmas. Strategically review the TV guide to secure your must-watch shows, whether it’s festive football or a Harry Potter marathon. Hide any extra TV guides to avoid sabotage from rival viewers. And remember—possession is nine-tenths of the law when it comes to remotes.
Step 8: Embrace Festive Feasting
Christmas is all about selection boxes for breakfast, dessert with every meal, mulled wine and hot chocolate, piles of roast potatoes and basically just eating everything in sight. So before you get started on eating yourself into a frenzy, hide the scales, those jeans that only fit when you’ve been “being good” and anything else that will interfere with your Christmas eating habits. Fixing the damage is what January is for…